What do you do when a produce truck drives through your neighborhood selling a kilo of fresh guavas for 10 pesos (like 60 cents US)? I don't know about you, but I bought five kilos to make some of my favorite guava recipes. Yes, eleven pounds of guavas might seem like a bit much, but they are so tasty and so versatile. I can't get enough of them. And have I mentioned their mesmerizing aroma? Fresh guavas sitting on the counter are the best natural air freshener ever.
One of the first things I wanted to make was Atole de Guayaba, a traditional Mexican atole that can be made with either a water or milk base. Today I'm sharing how to make this easy Atole de Guayaba en Agua, and will share the milk-base version next month just in time to enjoy a cup with your Rosca de Reyes on Three King's Day. (Mark your calendars!) This water-based Guava Atole is thickened with masa harina, which gives it a grainy texture similar to Champurrado.
And now for a little public service announcement... Atole de Guayaba is one of the trickiest atoles to make as it has a tendency to curdle once you combine the acidic guavas with the milk. I've never had a problem with this Atole de Guayaba curdling, but should you have this problem, freaketh not. Let the curdled atole cool slightly, then puree all of the atole in a blender until smooth. Reheat the atole and enjoy!
Atole de Guayaba
(Guava Atole)

- 1 lb. guavas
- 5 cups water
- 1 cinnamon stick
- 3/4 cup masa harina (Maseca)
- 1 (14 oz.) can sweetened condensed milk
Cut guavas in half and scoop out the seeds with a spoon or melon baller. (Reserve the seeds to make Guava Agua Fresca.) In a medium saucepan cook the guava halves, 4 cups of water, and cinnamon stick in a medium saucepan over medium-high heat until the guavas are fully cooked. Remove from heat and remove the cinnamon stick. Puree the cooked guava halves and the water they were cooked in until smooth.
Pour the guava puree back into the saucepan; simmer over medium heat just until it begins to boil. Meanwhile, puree the remaining cup of water with the masa harina until completely combined. Stir the masa harina mixture into the pureed guava mixture. Continue to simmer, stirring constantly, until the atole has thickened. Slowly pour in the sweetened condensed milk into the atole, stirring constantly to prevent from curdling. Serve immediately. Enjoy!

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