My First Blog Award

Yay!  I got my very first blog award! :)

This beautiful Sunshine Award was given to me by Doña Masita.  Those of you who are fans of Mexican food might know her from her wonderful recipes that she shares on the Maseca website.

The Sunshine Award is given to bloggers whose positivity and creativity inspire others in the blog world. Here are the requirements:
  • Put the logo on your blog or within your post.  Pass the award on to as many as 12 bloggers.
  • Let the nominees know they have received this award by commenting on their blog
  • Share the love and link to the person from whom you received this award.
  • Link to the nominees within your post.
    The Sunshine Award goes to:
    1. My good friend Tina @ Cooking w/ Married to a Mexican.  Not only does she have delicious recipes, but she posts them in video form so you can see how easy they are to prepare.  She's been a little busy as of late, but I can't wait until she posts her next video recipe!  (Tina was one of the first supporters of Recipes by Leslie.)
    2. Theresa @ Theresa's Cooking Blog...Her recent recipe for Sweet and Sour Carrots is at the top of my "To Make" list.  (Theresa was also one of the first supporters of this blog, for which I am forever grateful.)
    3. Monica H @ Lick the Bowl Good...Oh wow!  You are all going to love her blog.  She has the best recipes and her photographs are simply breathtaking.
    4. Tancho @ Rancho Canyon Cookbook...A fellow expat whose recipes are always so inspiring.  His recipe for Really, Really, Really Quick Bread has become one of my favorites.
    5. Don Cuevas @ My Mexican Kitchen...Another fellow expat whose recipes are some of my favorites, like his recipe for Homemade Sausage
    6. Lesley @ The Mija Chronicles blogs about life in Mexico City AND posts some of the most creative recipes like her Spicy Oatmeal with Peanuts, Cilantro and Ginger. 
    7. Anabel @ Oven Delights...I love her cakes and am more than just a tad bit jealous of her cake decorating skills. I hope that someday she will start her own business.
    8. Tami @ I don't like mama...Another talented cake/cupcake decorator who recently started her own business.  Her creations are almost too pretty to eat.  Almost!
    9. Katie @ Apple & Spice is always creating tasty treats in her kitchen.  Today she posted the cutest Easter Pizza that looks like a beautifully decorated Easter egg.
    10. My friend Jeff @ Chef Traveler offers a wide variety of recipes that are low in fat!  He even has a daily newsletter that you can subscribe to by email. 
    11. Luigi @ Luigi's Tastes of Italy...I love Italian food and Luigi's recipes for Zuppa di Piselli and Parmigiana di Zucchini are ones that I will be making often!
    12. Last but definitely not least is Heather @ Kitchen Concoctions...Heather picks one cookbook to cook from for a month and posts the recipes and her opinions about the featured book.  I recently won this cookbook in one of her giveaways. 
    I hope you will pay them all a visit!
    With Love,


    1. A well deserved award for you!

      Thanks for passing it on to me, you have brightened my day. Ypu've also introduced me to some new blogs :)

    2. stopping by from SITS - congrats on your blog award! Off to search your recipes and check out your nominees!

    3. Thanks for your kind comments on my blogsite, Leslie.

      Don Cuevas

    4. Congratulation! Isn't it great to be recognized!

    5. Well Leslie Thank you! It is nice to know that someone enjoys a recipe one posts, makes the effort in writing down the recipes more enjoyable knowing that you can share your favorite eats.

    6. First of CONGRATS on your first award! You deserve it!

      Thank you for passing onto me! I'm honoured and happy you enjoy my creations! XO

    7. Wow Leslie: Thanks so much for this! So glad you enjoy the blog. I've really appreciated your comments over the past year or so -- you're always so enthusiastic, and I love reading about all the neat things you're whipping up. If I'm ever in your 'hood, we gotta whip up some spicy oatmeal together. :-)

    8. Thank you my dear for passing this award on to me. I truly appreciate it!

      You are so deserving as well. Congrats on your first award. You are an inspiration to many.

    9. Congratulations, Leslie, on receiving a reward for your wonderful blog. You've inspired me to add many more Mexican dishes to my cocina and each one has been delish!
      Good for you, girl!

    10. Congrats on your blog award and thank you for sharing it with me! Thank you so much for being such a loyal reader of my blog for the past year!

      -Heather of

      Oh PS I am so glad you got your blog back up and running! I was checking by all day yesteray so that I could leave a comment!

    11. Hi Leslie, I am such a dufus. I came and saw the award. Then I was called away from my computer and totally forgot about it.
      I want to thank you very much, though my cooking blog is nowhere near as consistent or well done as yours is!
