How I Learned to Speak Spanish with Chorizo con Huevo

I didn't learn to speak Spanish until the summer before my 5th birthday.  My grandmother had just married a man that spoke no English.  And I didn't speak a word of Spanish.  Seeing that Pappy and I were having trouble communicating, she took me to San Luis, Sonora, Mexico.  Where she left me with one of my aunt's and her family for three months so I could learn Spanish.  Talk about an immersion course!

One of Gramm's brothers, my Tio Ruben, was the only relative that spoke English.  He would stop by daily to see how I was doing and would give me a few pesos to buy dulces (candy).  I would voice all of my complaints and he would translate it to my Tia Lidia.

But Tio Ruben couldn't stay all day.  

The way I communicated with my relatives was through pointing.  I'd point to something, then my aunt or cousins would say the word for the object in Spanish.  If I pointed to the milk carton, my Aunt would say "Leche". 

Whenever I wanted a glass of milk, I would say leche.  But my aunt would then say, "Quiero leche."  At the time, I didn't know what that meant, but whenever I said it, I got a glass of milk. 

Being the genius kid that I was, I learned more and more Spanish everyday.

One morning, my Tia Lidia had prepared the best tasting breakfast I had ever tasted.  Remember I was only 4 years old!  I asked, "Que es?"  My aunt answered, "Chorizo con huevo."  I immediately asked for mas (more).  And spent the rest of the day singing "Chorizo con huevo" all day long.  I requested Chorizo con Huevo for breakfast everyday!

I couldn't wait to share my latest discovery with my Tio Ruben, but he had left San Luis for a couple of weeks.  With no one around to speak English with, my Spanish improved by leaps and bounds.

Two weeks passed and my Tio Ruben had returned from wherever he had been.  Before he could ask how I was doing, I said, "Tio Ruben, me das veinte pesos para comprar huevos y chorizo?"  (Uncle Ruben, can I have twenty pesos to buy eggs and chorizo?)

Tio Ruben laughed and was very happy that the little gringa was finally speaking Spanish.  I didn't speak a word of English for the rest of my stay.

And that ladies and gentlemen is how I learned to speak Spanish!

And here is the recipe for my favorite breakfast.

Chorizo con Huevo 


  • 2 ounces chorizo
  • 2 eggs, slightly beaten

In a small non-stick skillet, brown the chorizo until completely cooked. (No need to add oil, because most chorizos releases their own grease.)

Add the eggs and season with salt and pepper.  Cook the eggs however you like.  I prefer mine in an omelet.

Serve with plenty of warm corn tortillas and a steaming cup of Mexican Hot ChocolateEnjoy!!!

With Love,


  1. When you´re age 4, it´s pan comido, señora.

    Another way to learn is to marry someone who speaks no English.

    That chorizo con huevo is low-cal, right?

  2. Cute story, Leslie! You are fortunate to have been immersed in Spanish and Mexican food at a young age. I was about 22 when I met my husband and started to learn very was difficult because we both lived in the US and he spoke English. I've come a long way since then, and of course living here has helped. I hope in 2010 I'll keep learning! And yes, I love huevos con chorrizo!

  3. FELIPE: Both are the most effective ways to learn a new language.

    And if you're looking for low-cal you could use just egg whites! :D

    LEAH: I am pretty lucky. I'm the only of my cousins that speaks Spanish.

    OVEN DELIGHTS: I have the same problem with my kids and English! :P

  4. Leslie Like some Leah said I wish I had learned at such a young age but I am also learing by leaps and bounds due to living here.
    Oh and this is one of my favorite meals we like it for every meal not just breakfast but I cant eat chorizo or eggs anymore, pout pout.

  5. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  6. How do you know when the chorizo is ready? I want to make sure I don't under cook it or over cook it.

  7. I just stumbled upon your blog and love it!! I have already pinned many of your recipes that I plan to make. Like you, I am from So. Calif. but my parents were from Mexico and only spoke Spanish at home. I spoke only Spanish until I went to kindergarten where I learned to speak English. My parents also cared for my daughter and she too only spoke Spanish until she went to school. Being bilingual has been a real advantage for both of us! I love your story and thank you for sharing it and your recipes.
