Chilito de Chorizo {Chorizo Chili}

It's easy to throw a meal together with a few basic ingredients, be it breakfast, lunch or dinner.

You will find that in most Mexican kitchens, we always have Chile de Molcajete and Frijoles de la Olla (Cooked Beans) in our refrigerator.  Those two staples alone are the beginning to a number of great meals.  But today, as I opened the fridge, I noticed that I still had 1/2 a kilo of chorizo just waiting to be used in something delicious, like Chilito de Chorizo.  Yummmm!   

Chilito de Chorizo
(Chorizo Chili)


  • 24 tomatillos
  • Dried Chile de Arbol
  • 1 pound Chorizo (pork or turkey)
  • Cooked Beans (canned or homemade) *optional

Remove and discard the husks from the tomatillos.  Rinse the tomatillos and place in a medium saucepan with a few Chiles de Arbol(I use 2 or 3, but if you can handle the heat add more!)  Fill the saucepan with enough water to cover the tomatillos.  Cook the tomatillos over medium-high heat until the tomatillos are tender.  

Let the tomatillos cool slightly, then transfer them and the chilies to a blender cup and puree until smooth.  (If the salsa is too thick, add some of the water that the tomatillos were cooked in.)  Season with salt; set aside.

In a medium non-stick skillet, brown the chorizo over medium-high heat until it is fully cooked.  (Chorizo releases it's own fat, so I don't add any oil.)  

Once the chorizo is ready, carefully pour in the tomatillo salsa.  Reduce the heat to low and let the Chilito simmer for 5 to 10 minutes.

Ladle the Chilito into a bowl, add some Cooked Beans if you like and serve with warm corn tortillas.  Enjoy!!!

With Love,


  1. I cant wait to cook this ive cooked just about everything u have made my husband is from mexico and he just loves that im learning to cook alot of diffrent things
    I tried ur picadillo and OMG i love it thats something i could make more often we had it with hamburger one time and the carne asada! which were both GREAT! I cant wait to see what else u make!

  2. OVENDELIGHTS: Mexico chorizo is much better! :)

    KELLY: Thank you so much! I'm glad that you and your Hubby are loving the recipes. I tried leaving a comment on your blog, but it wouldn't let me.

  3. Leslie, i made salsa and pork the other day and used tomatillas and it tasted really sour. The tomatillas were sour for some reason. I've never tasted them so sour before! Now i'm scared to use them to cook with again! Have you had that happen before?

  4. leslie, question about chorizo: do you remove the casing before you cook? during my first year down here, i didn't (thought it was like the casing on kielbasa), but then read somewhere that i should. does it make a difference?

    still loving the recipes!! thanks!

    barb on the south shore of lake chapala

  5. That looks delicious. Thank you for sharing.

  6. I love coming to your blog and finding something new and different.

  7. Leslie,
    What a tantalizing blog! The photos of your recipes are beautiful and the food looks delicious. I will have to try out one of your recipes. Maybe the Picadillo...

  8. Oh wow this looks like such a great blog :) I would love for you participate in the 30 day food challenge at A Vision to Remember (
    you can email me at boblyns at yahoo dot com and I will get you more information

  9. WOW Leslie! Where have I been all this time? I love your blog!!! I am following now! :D

  10. Yummy, thats how my mom makes it!! I was shocked to find the recipe online. I will have to visit your page again and try some of your recipes!

  11. I remeber this so well. My mom used to cook this quite often for us when we were little. 

  12. When I saw this recipe, I thought I'd prepare it and serve it exactly as Leslie. However, chorizo in the states is a bit different from Mexico's unless you find a very good mexican market. So, I got a pound of regular pork chorizo. I boiled 10 tomatillos with 2 chiles de arbol, blended together and mixed in with the chorizo - setting it aside. I then cooked cut up pork chops, bone and all (browned it up with some oil). Drained the oil and added the chorizo mixture and simmered for about 2 min. Served it with whole cooked beans and quesadillas. Very yummy!
